Usually throughout the winter I spend my time trying to figure out how to pull off dresses and pencil skirts, sometimes sans tights, despite sub zero temperatures in the city. However, this season - with its exceptionally disturbingly freezing temperatures - I've decided to become BFF with the statement pant. Animal print, sequin, velvet, faux leather, wide leg, high waisted, neon green, pastel pink, literally anything you can think of - from cook prints and patterns, to bright colors or cool textures, I've fallen in love and I don't care who knows it. There are so many great options for fun pants just about anywhere you chose to shop and it truly does help combat those winter closet blues. Plus, you can layer them with tights underneath for extra warmth during those freezing months and then wear them in the spring and fall without the thermal layer. I've had a much easier time befriending the winter season when I'm able to look down at the snow and see leopard print ankle biters or sequin track pants cascading down my legs, instead of frost bite. I'd definitely recommend it.